Spreading Awareness of Toxins from Medical Procedures, the Environment and Pollution.
Spreading Awareness of Toxins from Medical Procedures, the Environment and Pollution.
Signed in as:
Dear Community:
Thank you all for being part of this community and taking time out of your busy schedule to read this. We feel truly blessed to be among this growing army of passionate, likeminded warriors and thank you for entertaining the idea of participating in this revolutionary movement, bringing together what we believe are the core aspects of successfully overcoming any chronic dis-ease, namely; Faith in God, Community, Purpose and access to therapeutic tools and resources.
As the Medical and Environmental Toxicity Awareness Corporation, our mission is to bring awareness of toxic substances to our communities, and educate people about the issues regarding toxicity and what can be done to mitigate the effects of toxic substances on our bodies. Through our VETA Project, we work to assist those people affected by and living with Toxicity Induced Illnesses obtain what they need to live a better life. To this end, we are developing what we call “Social Benefit” utilizing the concepts of conscious commerce, peer to peer fundraising and crowd funding to assist people with their immediate needs and empower everyone with the ability to give back, despite any barriers, and bridge the gaps between what they have, what they need and what they want to do, while, in effect, “teaching them to fish” by creating residual income for themselves.
The following is a simple example of the power of crowd funding. People hear about it, but I don’t think most really understand it. This example is in “the Power of 5”, where a contribution of just $5.00 and engaging 5 other members of the community to do the same combines in short order to the ability to provide two Boxable housing units, valued at $40,000.00 and seven Tera P90s per month. Both conscious commerce and peer to peer fundraising work the same way, where a small amount each from a large number of participants has a tremendous effect. Imagine what doing this on a continuous basis is capable of accomplishing!
"Social Benefit" gives the Community, itself, the ability to significantly help members in need, while benefiting the community at large and not burdening any individuals.
A part of our Social Benefit is our association with a revolutionary company that makes amazing energy wave therapy devices. The foundation receives a portion of sales, which are used to assist people who could not otherwise afford them.
By cultivating this movement, we provide the opportunity for the community at large to assist its members in need, assisting them to obtain the tools they need and affording them the opportunity to recover from their illnesses and regain purpose in their lives so they can contribute to their own successful recovery, while contributing to a community greater than themselves.
With sincere thanks;
The METAC team
In direct donation models, funds are sent directly to the foundation, while in crowd funding models, donated funds are sent to the funding platform, which takes a fee, before distribution to the project.
The VETA Project has two meanings. For fundraising, this project is for Victims of Environmental Toxicity Assistance, but for those individuals and families who are or, will be. being helped, it's Victory over Environmental Toxicity Advocates. It will be incorporated as the foundation's management home for all of the assistance projects that we build. Why so many? Well, just like any other assistance program, we want to know where the money is going and which projects need more funding, so we can direct more fundraising efforts to those projects. We have several initiatives connected with some of the various projects. We want to bridge the gap between communities capable of providing needed assistance and those who are in need..
There are several initiatives connected with this fund. Designed to provide safe and non-toxic shelter to those who are in need, we are building relationships with communities, government agencies and manufacturers to provide much needed resources and communities. Some will be transitional and some permanent. We will also assist with testing and remediation of current residences.
This is another of our multi-initiative funds. We are working with patients and doctors, and doing research into natural modalities while helping to bring better solutions than those commonly available to more people, especially for poorly understood issues like Gadolinium Toxicity, severe Mold exposure and Lyme Disease where better solutions are desperately needed.
We have found that 2 modalities which we have been working with have been particularly effective for a number of toxicity issues. These are Glutathione therapy utilizing the precursors in Immunocal, which has been very effective at detoxing numerous substances and revitalizing the immune system, and the Olylife Tera P90, which has also been effective at triggering detox, moving the lymphatic system and revitalizing the immune system. These modalities are not mutually exclusive, please see the Mitigation Tab.
Traumatic Brain Injury takes many forms and has many symptoms. Beyond TBI will help locate therapies in your area and assist with costs not covered by insurance. We hope to be able to bring particularly helpful therapies to all areas of the world.
The 2 modalities we have been working with recently are proving to be very effective against TBI. Glutathione has been heavily researched recently in connection with TBIs, both in prevention and mitigation. Ongoing research is being conducted by our favorite supplier of Glutathione precursors, Immunotec, on TBIs in conjunction with several US and Canadian organizations with particular interest in the area. The Olylife Tera P90 utilizes both PEMF and Terahertz frequencies, both of which have been researched in connection with healing TBIs and are undergoing continued research by institutions all over the world.
Save My Memories is a program meant to assist people who suffer from Alzheimer's and Dementia. We hope to make therapies available to people no matter where they live so they can live quality lives in their older years.
Interestingly (and once you delve into the research, logically) both Glutathione therapy utilizing Immunotec's precursors and Frequency therapy utilizing the Olylife Tera P90 are proving effective with numerous neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's and Dementia, just as they are with Traumatic Brain Injury.
As the name says, this fund was created to assist Seniors with the cost of eye exams and eye wear not covered by insurance.